A simulation for charged particles in electric and magnetic fields.
A p5.js library for using the Web Serial API to access devices like Arduino, no setup required. (WIP)
A collection of some generative art I've made
A project I replicated to learn about Fourier Series, by drawing images with circles
My personal website!
An audio visualiser that is sus (submitted for Virtual Codeday 2021!)
A mini project I did to wrap my head around the double slit experiment
A science fair project, simulating gravity
A molar mass simulation, built for YEC 2021
A simple optics simulation I made while learning the subject
Generate timelapses automagically with an ESP-32CAM module
(My first) ML app that classifies fresh and rotten fruits, submitted for 1stdayhack 2020
A fun little clock made for YEHDM 2020 (a club event)
My first HTML/JS/CSS project, displaying bus arrival times near your location in Penang!